“Radical” Russ here, awaiting a flight to San Francisco to take part in the International Cannabis Business Conference at the Hyatt Regency. What an all-star lineup! You’ve got former Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Tommy Chong in a CelebStoner stage interview, renown blogger and political pundit Andrew Sullivan, the Guru of Ganja Ed Rosenthal, and so many more!
I’ll be there covering the event for CannabisRadio.com – follow my social media accounts @RadicalRuss for my updates. We’ll also present special live episodes of The Russ Belville Show on Saturday and Sunday at 3pm Pacific with highlights from the morning’s keynote speeches and recorded and live interviews with speakers and vendors from the exhibition floor.
Anthony Johnson, Debby Goldsberry, and Ngaio Bealum helped preview the conference on my show – take a listen:
We also spoke with conference organizer Alex Rogers about this event and the future ICBCs in Vancouver BC and Berlin, Germany: